Puzzles are a popular form of entertainment and mental exercise that needs puzzles, with optimization, and can be challenging, but mathematical concepts help to win. The process of solving a math puzzle often requires the application of logical reasoning, creativity, and mathematical intuition.
Optimization is a branch of mathematics that deals with finding the best possible solution to a given problem within a set of constraints. It is a powerful tool for problem-solving across a wide range of fields, from engineering and economics to computer science and operations research.
Math puzzles often involve optimization, as the goal is typically to find the best possible solution to a problem within a set of constraints. For example, a puzzle may require finding the shortest path between two points, the optimal arrangement of objects within a confined space, or the most efficient way to allocate resources.
Solving math puzzles, with optimization can be challenging, but rewarding, as it requires not only a solid understanding of mathematical principles, but also the ability to think creatively and outside the box. It is a fun and engaging way to develop problem-solving skills while also enjoying the mental challenge of a good puzzle.
A number puzzle with inequalities is a type of math puzzle that uses inequality symbols (<, >, ≤, ≥) instead of equal signs to create mathematical expressions. These puzzles are designed to challenge higher school students to use their critical thinking skills to solve complex equations by determining the relationships between different numbers.
The puzzles typically involve a grid or set of numbers, with clues that indicate which numbers are greater than or less than others. Students must use logical deduction and mathematical reasoning to determine the correct values for each number and fill in the grid. These types of puzzles are great for developing problem-solving skills and promoting critical thinking in high school students.
For example, consider the following number puzzle:
4 | > | 2 |
7 | < | 9 |
5 | ≥ | 4 |
8 | ≤ | 9 |
In this puzzle, each row contains two numbers with an inequality symbol between them. The players must use logical deduction and mathematical reasoning to determine the correct values for each number and fill in the grid.
To solve this puzzle, we can start by looking at the third row, which tells us that 5 is greater than or equal to 4. This means that the value in the first column must be either 4 or 5. Next, we can look at the fourth row, which tells us that 8 is less than or equal to 9. This means that the value in the second column must be either 8 or 9.
Now, we can look at the first row, which tells us that 4 is greater than 2. This means that the value in the first column must be 4, and the value in the second column must be 2. Finally, we can look at the second row, which tells us that 7 is less than 9. This means that the value in the first column must be 7, and the value in the second column must be 9.
So, the completed grid looks like this:
4 | > | 2 |
7 | < | 9 |
5 | ≥ | 4 |
8 | ≤ | 9 |
Number puzzle inequalities equations are often used in puzzle games, where players are presented with a series of these puzzles that increase in difficulty. By solving these puzzles, players can develop their problem-solving skills and promote critical thinking.
Consider the following puzzle: Choose numbers 1 to 5 such that in the diagram below each number is contained exactly once in each row and each column. The numbers in the fields should respect any inequality between two fields.
> | 4 | |||||||
∧ | ∨ | |||||||
∨ | ||||||||
4 | < | > | 2 | |||||
∧ | ∨ | |||||||
making equations
As decision variables we use 𝑥𝑟,𝑐,𝑘 such that 𝑥𝑟,𝑐,𝑘=1 if 𝑘 appears in the field with row 𝑟 and column 𝑐.
The objective is trivial, as there is nothing to optimize. We only need to find a feasible solution.
There should be precisely one value in each field:
∑𝑘=1𝑁𝑥𝑟,𝑐,𝑘=1 for 𝑟=1,…,𝑁 and 𝑐=1,…𝑁.
Each value must be used exactly once in each row:
∑𝑐=1𝑁𝑥𝑟,𝑐,𝑘=1 for 𝑟=1,…,𝑁 and 𝑘=1,…𝑁.
Each value must be used exactly once in each column:
∑𝑟=1𝑁𝑥𝑟,𝑐,𝑘=1 for 𝑐=1,…,𝑁 and 𝑘=1,…𝑁.
Formulating the inequality constraints requires a bit more work. Lets consider an example. In the problem diagram above we see that the value of field 2,1 must be larger than the value in field 1,1. Thus, if field 2,1 has value 3, then field 1,1 is not allowed to have a value of 3, 4, or 5. As a consequence, if 𝑥2,1,3=1, then ∑5𝑤=3𝑥1,1,𝑤=0. More generally, we want that
We can implement this implication with the big 𝑀 trick. Choose some big 𝑀, then set
so that if 𝑥2,1,𝑘=1, then ∑5𝑤=𝑘𝑥1,1,𝑤 must be zero, while if 𝑥2,1,𝑘=0, the sum ∑5𝑤=𝑘𝑥1,1,𝑤 is, in practice, unconstrained.
The starting numbers that appear in the diagram above form a simple set of constraints:
Example codes
param N; # number of rows = number of columns
param M; # large enough constant
set R := 1 .. N;
set INEQ, within R cross R cross R cross R;
set FIX, within R cross R cross R;
var x{R, R, R} >= 0, <= 1, binary;
# There should be precisely one value in each field.
subject to values{r in R, c in R}:
sum{k in R} x[r, c, k] = 1;
# There should be only one value per row
subject to rows{r in R, k in R}:
sum{c in R} x[r, c, k] = 1;
# There should be only one value per column
subject to columns{k in R, c in R}:
sum{r in R} x[r, c, k] = 1;
subject to ineqConstr{(r1, c1, r2, c2) in INEQ, k in R}:
sum{w in k..N} x[r1, c1, w] <= M * (1 - x[r2, c2, k]);
subject to fixConstr{(r, c, k) in FIX}:
x[r, c, k] = 1;
printf "The following is a solution to the puzzle:n";
for {r in R} {
for {c in R} {
for {k in R : x[r, c, k] == 1} {
printf "%2d", k;
printf "n";
param N := 5;
param M := 100;
# Set of quadruples (r1, c1, r2, c2) specifying inequalities among the entries,
# specifying that the entry is row r1, column c1 should be less than the entry
# in row r2, column r2.
set INEQ := (1, 1, 2, 1) (1, 5, 1, 4) (2, 5, 1, 5) (4, 4, 3, 4)
(4, 1, 5, 1) (4, 3, 4, 4) (4, 5, 4, 4) (5, 5, 4, 5);
# Set of triples (r, c, k) specifying that the entry in row r, column k should
# be equal to k.
set FIX := (1, 5, 4) (4, 1, 4) (4, 5, 2);