
Optimization is the process or methodology of making something (such as a design, system, or decision) as complete, functional, or effective as possible. Specifically, optimization is the mathematical procedure of maximizing or minimizing some function over some set, often representing a range of choices available in a given situation. It is a primary subject for engineering in general. It has become a mathematical system with unique content as one of the three pillars of “system engineering.” two are simulation and evaluation). By its very nature, optimization has been used as a tool not only in the natural sciences, but also in social sciences such as economics. Optimization techniques are used every day problems such as industrial planning, resource allocation, scheduling, and decision-making. For example, how do the world’s oil refiners decide where to buy crude oil, where to ship it for processing, and what types of products? How does an airline know how to route planes and schedule crews at the lowest cost while meeting aircraft flight time constraints between maintenance and crew maximum flight times?

Mathematical optimization is a fascinating and powerful field that has revolutionized the way we approach complex problems across a vast array of disciplines. At its core, optimization is concerned with finding the best possible solution to a problem, subject to certain constraints and conditions. This can be accomplished using a variety of mathematical tools and techniques, ranging from classical calculus and linear algebra to more advanced methods such as convex optimization, game theory, and machine learning.

The impact of optimization on modern society cannot be overstated. From finance and economics to engineering and science, optimization has become an essential tool for solving a wide range of practical problems. For example, optimization techniques are widely used in logistics and supply chain management to minimize transportation costs and improve efficiency. They are also used in finance to optimize investment portfolios and mitigate risk. In addition, optimization plays a crucial role in machine learning and artificial intelligence, where it is used to train models, make predictions, and optimize outcomes.

But while optimization is a powerful tool, it is not without its challenges. Finding the optimal solution to a problem can be a complex and time-consuming process, and there are often multiple competing objectives that must be taken into account. Moreover, the mathematical models used in optimization can be highly complex, requiring advanced computational tools and sophisticated algorithms to solve.

Despite these challenges, optimization remains a critical area of research and development in mathematics and computer science. New techniques and approaches are being developed all the time, and the potential applications of optimization continue to expand as new fields and industries emerge. In this blog, we will explore the fascinating world of mathematical optimization, discussing key concepts, techniques, and applications, as well as the latest trends and developments in the field. Whether you are a student, researcher, or practitioner, we hope that this blog will provide valuable insights into this exciting and rapidly evolving area of mathematics.

Optimization History

Time PeriodKey FiguresDevelopments
Ancient TimesArchimedesMethod of Exhaustion for calculating areas and volumes
17th centuryFermat, Descartes, Newton, LeibnizCalculus and differential equations
19th centuryLagrange, EulerCalculus of variations
20th centuryKantorovich, Koopmans, DantzigLinear programming
1960sKarmarkarInterior point methods
1980sNelder, Mead, Powell, RosenbrockNonlinear programming algorithms
1990sGlover, JohnsonMetaheuristics and genetic algorithms
21st centuryBoyd, VandenbergheConvex optimization and semidefinite programming

This table provides a brief overview of the key figures and developments in the history of optimization, from the ancient Greeks to the present day. It highlights the contributions of various mathematicians and scientists in the field, as well as the evolution of different optimization techniques and algorithms. The developments mentioned in the table have been significant in advancing the field of optimization and making it more applicable to real-world problems.

Continuous OptimizationCombinatorial Optimization
Straight descent method (from 1847)Depth-first/restricted search (from the 19th century)
Conjugate gradient method (from 1952)Breadth-first search (from 1940s)
Newton method (Newton-Raphson method) (from 17th century)Dynamic programming (from 1950s)
Quasi-Newton method (DFP, BFGS method) (1960s~)Heuristic method (from 1945)
Gauss-Newton method (19th century~)Uniform cost search (from 1950s)
Interior point method (1960s/80s~)Branch and bound method (from 1960s)
Coordinate descent method (1960s~)Bidirectional search (from 1970s)

This table provides a comparison of examples of continuous optimization and combinatorial optimization techniques. The continuous optimization techniques are focused on finding optimal solutions to problems where the variables are continuous, while the combinatorial optimization techniques are focused on finding optimal solutions to problems where the variables are discrete. Some examples of continuous optimization techniques include the straight descent method, conjugate gradient method, Newton method, and interior point method. Some examples of combinatorial optimization techniques include depth-first/restricted search, breadth-first search, dynamic programming, and branch and bound method.

Why is Optimization Important?

The goal of optimization is to obtain the best possible solution for a particular problem. In short, optimization can be used in manufacturing plants to find ways to make machines run better and to purchase raw materials. Airlines and other passenger transportation services also use customization to determine schedules.


Optimization can help increase efficiency by finding the best possible solution for a particular problem. This means that processes can be standardized, and mistakes can be eliminated, leading to higher quality products produced in less time. For example, optimization can be used in manufacturing plants to find ways to make machines run better and to purchase raw materials more efficiently. It can also be used by airlines and other passenger transportation services to determine schedules, routes, and pricing strategies.


Optimization allows for the elimination of tasks that do not add value, resulting in a more agile workflow and maximized time. By analyzing processes and identifying areas where time and resources are being wasted, optimization can help create a more streamlined workflow. This can lead to faster turnaround times, higher quality outputs, and increased productivity.


Standardized and monitored processes make it easier to maintain compliance. This means that regulatory requirements can be met more easily and in a timely manner. Additionally, in the event of an audit, the transparency of the process eases the procedure and contributes to the desired outcome. By implementing optimized processes, businesses can avoid costly fines, legal issues, and damage to their reputation.


Optimization takes an end-to-end view of processes, helping to pinpoint the source of problems. This means that errors can be fixed at the source, rather than simply mitigating the consequences. By identifying the root cause of problems, businesses can prevent them from happening in the future, leading to a more robust and reliable system.


Once processes are optimized, waste can be easily identified, helping businesses find errors, underutilized resources, and bottlenecks that impair productivity. By optimizing processes, businesses can increase productivity and save money. For example, an optimized supply chain can lead to lower costs and faster delivery times, while an optimized customer service process can lead to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Risk Mitigation

Optimization can greatly reduce the risk of errors, repetitions, and questions about procedures. By mapping activities and standardizing processes, businesses can ensure that everyone is following the same procedures and that there are no gaps or inconsistencies. This can help reduce the risk of regulatory fines, legal issues, and other problems that can harm the business. Additionally, optimization can help identify potential risks and opportunities, allowing businesses to make more informed decisions and take appropriate action.

Types of Optimization Problems

There are different types of optimization problems. A few simple ones do not require formal optimization, such as problems with apparent answers or with no decision variables. But in most cases, a mathematical solution is necessary, and the goal is to achieve optimal results. Most problems require some form of optimization. The objective is to reduce a problem’s cost and minimize the risk. It can also be multi-objective and involve several decisions.

Continuous Optimization versus Discrete Optimization

A model with discrete variables is a discrete optimization problem and a model with continuous variables is a continuous optimization problem. Constant optimization problems are easier to solve than discrete optimization problems. Discrete optimization problems aim to find objects such as integers, permutations, or graphs from countable sets. However, improvements in algorithms coupled with advances in computing technology are increasing the size and complexity of discrete optimization problems that can be efficiently solved. Note that continuous optimization algorithms are essential for discrete optimization because many discrete optimization algorithms generate a series of continuous subproblems.

Unconstrained Optimization versus Constrained Optimization

The essential difference between optimization problems is a problem with variable constraints and a problem with variable constraints. Unconstrained optimization problems arise mainly in many practical applications and reformulations of constrained optimization problems. Constrained optimization problems arise in applications that have explicit constraints on variables. Constrained optimization problems are further divided according to the nature of the constraints, such as functional smoothness such as linear, nonlinear, convex, differentiable or non-differentiable.

None, One, or Many Objectives

Most optimization problems have a single objective function, but there have been special cases where optimization problems have no objective function or multiple objective functions. Multi-objective optimization problems arise in engineering, economics, and logistics streams. Problems with multiple objectives are often reformulated as single-objective problems.

Deterministic Optimization versus Stochastic Optimization

Deterministic optimization knows exactly the data for a particular problem. However, the data may not be accurately captured for various reasons. A simple measurement error may be the reason. Another reason is that some data describe information about the future and cannot be known with certainty. In optimization under uncertainty, when uncertainty is incorporated into the model, it is called stochastic optimization.

Various Methods of Optimization

Optimization models define the goals or objectives for a system under consideration. Optimization models can be used to explore trade-offs between goals and objectives, identify extreme states and worst-case scenarios, and identify key factors that influence phenomena in a system. Consequently, optimization models are used to analyze a wide range of scientific, business, and engineering applications.

Classical Mathematical Method

Optimization, in mathematical terms, refers to the process of finding the best solution among all feasible solutions to a problem. The classical mathematical method for optimization involves the use of mathematical tools and techniques to find the optimal solution for a given problem. The approach typically involves formulating the problem as an optimization model or a set of mathematical equations that represent the constraints and objectives of the problem.

The classical mathematical method for optimization involves various techniques such as linear programming, quadratic programming, nonlinear programming, integer programming, and dynamic programming. Each of these techniques has its own set of algorithms and methods that are used to find the optimal solution.

Linear programming, for instance, is used to solve problems where the constraints and objectives can be represented by linear equations. The method involves creating a mathematical model of the problem, identifying the decision variables, and formulating a set of linear constraints that represent the feasible region. The objective function is then defined, and the optimal solution is found by optimizing the objective function subject to the constraints.

Quadratic programming, on the other hand, is used to solve problems where the objective function is quadratic in nature. The method involves formulating a quadratic objective function, and a set of linear constraints that represent the feasible region. The optimal solution is then found by optimizing the objective function subject to the constraints.

Nonlinear programming is used to solve problems where the objective function is nonlinear in nature. The method involves formulating a nonlinear objective function, and a set of nonlinear constraints that represent the feasible region. The optimal solution is then found by optimizing the objective function subject to the constraints.

Integer programming is used to solve problems where the decision variables are restricted to integer values. The method involves formulating a mathematical model of the problem, identifying the decision variables, and formulating a set of linear or nonlinear constraints that represent the feasible region. The optimal solution is then found by optimizing the objective function subject to the constraints.

Dynamic programming is used to solve problems that involve a sequence of decisions. The method involves breaking the problem down into smaller sub-problems, and finding the optimal solution for each sub-problem. The optimal solution for the entire problem is then obtained by combining the optimal solutions for each sub-problem.

In summary, the classical mathematical method for optimization involves formulating the problem as an optimization model or a set of mathematical equations, and then applying various techniques such as linear programming, quadratic programming, nonlinear programming, integer programming, and dynamic programming to find the optimal solution. The method is widely used in various fields such as engineering, economics, finance, and operations research to solve complex problems and make better decisions.

Metaheuristic Search

In computer science and mathematical optimization, a metaheuristic is a higher-level procedure or heuristic designed to find, generate, or select a heuristic that may provide a sufficiently good solution to an optimization problem, especially with incomplete or imperfect information or limited computation capacity. Metaheuristic may have some advantages, especially when considering the more complex problem of fitting multiple loops simultaneously. The use of genetic or evolutionary algorithms to solve difficult engineering problems is a relatively recent innovation.

Optimization Metaheuristic Search is a powerful computational approach used to solve complex optimization problems in various fields such as engineering, finance, biology, and logistics. It involves designing and implementing algorithms that are capable of efficiently searching large solution spaces to find the best possible solution to a given problem. Unlike traditional optimization techniques, which rely on mathematical models to find optimal solutions, metaheuristic search methods are based on iterative search procedures that simulate natural or artificial intelligence-inspired behaviors, such as genetic algorithms, swarm intelligence, simulated annealing, and ant colony optimization. These methods aim to find global optima by iteratively exploring the solution space and adapting the search strategy based on the quality of solutions found during the search.

One of the primary advantages of metaheuristic search methods is their ability to handle large, complex, and dynamic optimization problems that are difficult or impossible to solve using traditional optimization methods. They are also highly adaptable and can be customized to fit specific problem requirements and constraints.

AI Based Method

AI is the simulation of human intelligent processes by machines, especially computer systems. These processes include learning (acquisition of knowledge and rules to obtain information), rationalization (use of rules to achieve approximate or final results), and self-correction. AI is now a name with many operations and various applications. Artificial intelligence is mainly divided into two areas: machine learning and deep learning. These methods require the gradient of the solution with respect to the design variables. A common approach is to use parameter perturbations to find the gradient of the solution and search for the best fit. Analytical gradients are more efficient than numerical approaches.

Optimization AI-based methods are a class of algorithms that use artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to optimize a given objective function. The goal of these methods is to find the optimal solution to a problem by iteratively improving upon an initial solution. These algorithms use a variety of optimization techniques, including gradient descent, genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, and particle swarm optimization. They can be applied to a wide range of applications, including engineering design, financial portfolio optimization, logistics planning, and resource allocation.

One of the key benefits of optimization AI-based methods is their ability to handle complex and high-dimensional problems that are difficult to solve using traditional methods. They can also be used in real-time applications, where decisions need to be made quickly based on changing conditions. The optimization process typically involves the following steps: (1) defining the objective function and constraints, (2) selecting the appropriate optimization algorithm, (3) setting the initial solution, (4) iterating the algorithm to improve the solution, and (5) evaluating the final solution.

To improve the efficiency and accuracy of optimization AI-based methods, researchers are developing new algorithms that combine multiple techniques, such as deep learning and reinforcement learning. These advancements are enabling optimization AI-based methods to tackle even more complex problems and deliver better results.


  3. A Gentle Introduction to Optimization (B. Guenin, J. Könemann, L. Tunçel)