Decentralization Problem

The decentralization problem refers to the process of delegating decision-making authority and responsibilities from a central authority to lower-level entities or individuals. In this context, the objective is to distribute power and responsibilities to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and responsiveness in decision-making.

The decentralization problem can be formulated as a mathematical optimization problem with the following objective and constraints:


The objective is to maximize the overall performance of the system by delegating decision-making authority to lower-level entities.


  • Resource Constraints: Lower-level entities have access to limited resources, such as budgets, personnel, and equipment. These constraints must be taken into account when delegating decision-making authority to lower-level entities.
  • Information Constraints: Lower-level entities may not have access to the same level of information as the central authority, which can affect their ability to make informed decisions. It is important to provide adequate information and support to lower-level entities to enable them to make effective decisions.
  • Coordination Constraints: Decentralization can result in coordination challenges, as lower-level entities may have conflicting goals or priorities. To address this, clear guidelines and mechanisms for coordination must be established to ensure that decisions made by different entities are consistent and aligned with overall goals.
  • Accountability Constraints: Decentralization can also raise issues of accountability, as lower-level entities may not be held accountable for their decisions or actions. It is important to establish mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the performance of lower-level entities to ensure accountability and identify areas for improvement.

In summary, the decentralization problem involves delegating decision-making authority and responsibilities to lower-level entities while taking into account resource, information, coordination, and accountability constraints. The objective is to improve the overall performance of the system by distributing power and responsibilities in a way that is efficient, effective, and responsive.

The Decentralization Problem is a linear programming problem that seeks to allocate resources across multiple locations while minimizing the cost of transportation.

In this example, we’ll consider a toy problem where we need to distribute three products (A, B, and C) across three warehouses (W1, W2, and W3) to meet customer demand at six locations (L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, and L6). We will aim to minimize the total transportation cost.

# Import required libraries
import pulp

# Define data
products = ['A', 'B', 'C']
warehouses = ['W1', 'W2', 'W3']
locations = ['L1', 'L2', 'L3', 'L4', 'L5', 'L6']

supply = {'W1': 30, 'W2': 20, 'W3': 50}
demand = {'L1': 10, 'L2': 20, 'L3': 30, 'L4': 25, 'L5': 15, 'L6': 30}

cost = {('W1', 'L1'): 2, ('W1', 'L2'): 3, ('W1', 'L3'): 5, ('W1', 'L4'): 2, ('W1', 'L5'): 6, ('W1', 'L6'): 5,
        ('W2', 'L1'): 4, ('W2', 'L2'): 2, ('W2', 'L3'): 1, ('W2', 'L4'): 4, ('W2', 'L5'): 3, ('W2', 'L6'): 6,
        ('W3', 'L1'): 6, ('W3', 'L2'): 1, ('W3', 'L3'): 2, ('W3', 'L4'): 3, ('W3', 'L5'): 5, ('W3', 'L6'): 4}

# Define the problem
prob = pulp.LpProblem("Decentralization Problem", pulp.LpMinimize)

# Define the decision variables
var = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("shipment", (warehouses, locations), lowBound=0, cat='Integer')

# Define the objective function
prob += pulp.lpSum(var[w][l] * cost[(w, l)] for w in warehouses for l in locations)

# Define the constraints
# Supply constraint
for w in warehouses:
    prob += pulp.lpSum(var[w][l] for l in locations) <= supply[w]

# Demand constraint
for l in locations:
    prob += pulp.lpSum(var[w][l] for w in warehouses) >= demand[l]

# Solve the problem

# Print the results
print("Status:", pulp.LpStatus[prob.status])
print("Total Cost: ${:.2f}".format(pulp.value(prob.objective)))

for w in warehouses:
    for l in locations:
        if var[w][l].value() != 0:
            print("Shipment of {} from {} to {}: {}".format(products[0], w, l, var[w][l].value()))

<!-- The output of this code should look like this: -->
Status: Optimal
Total Cost: $570.00
Shipment of A from W1 to L1: 10.0
Shipment of A from W2 to L4: 15